Gnome Light
Enter Gnorbert’s dream world and explore his inner thoughts and fears. Memories of his life are hidden throughout the game, hidden in puzzles and hidden treasures. Gnorberts’ epic tale through his own mind will take him to his worst memories, best memories and testing his spirit. You never know what kind of dreams caution might contain!
Magical light helps Gnorbert navigate through his dreams, helps him see, can burn light objects, and much more. Direct it to reach, retract and faster. Light can help collect fireflies, a key ingredient used to open magical portals. Fireflies also help Gnorbert, each insect collected increases Gorger’s ability to jump.
Chests of drawers can be found throughout the game, these pieces are not necessary for the puzzle, but they can unlock various memories in the game. Watch out for hidden passages and trails that can lead to unexpected treasures!